A Golden Birthday

>> Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today is a very special day!! It's my husbands Golden Birthday, 28 years old.   He tried to get up and claim he was "so old" by pretending to limp like an 82 year old... haha you're not old - but getting there (jk!)

I have been starting this celebration well before today.  You see, I am a "birthday person."  I LOVE my birthday (December 6th by the way...) and everyone knows when my birthday is near.  Ted on the other hand doesn't care too  much about his birthday.  I think if it wasn't for me he wouldn't really acknowledge much.  But I make a big deal - because it is a big deal.  I mean, if he was never born then we would have never met, fallen in love, and gotten married - so YA, it's a big deal!!  

Tonight we will be celebrating by me making a delicious meatloaf dinner (I'll share the recipe bc it's the best!) and watching both Indiana play for a spot in the Elite 8 as well as the Rangers!  Tomorrow we will go out and celebrate again at one of our favorite rustic pizza and wine bars called Frasca Pizzeria.  (if you live or are visiting and you're in the Lakeview area, it's a must!) 

Happy Birthday my love! You are seriously my other half and I couldn't be luckier and more proud to be your wife!!  



What's Your Vision?

>> Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not that 30 is right around the corner, but let's face it...it's a hell of a lot closer that it was when i was only 21.  So, with 30 on the horizon, I have started to think about my life and what I have accomplished and what I would like to accomplish before the big 3-0 comes.  I am giving myself 3 solid years to accomplish these goals as most of them are things that will come progressively and may take some time, planning and/or money.  A couple of the things are less out of my control than let's say, training for a half marathon (which is 100% in my control to commit, train, and do!).  Wherever you are in your life, I encourage you to create both long term and short term vision boards (or one that ecompases both).  Maybe your vision board is more like your bucket list that requires a lifetime of patience, practice and go-getting.  I think now that I have created one, I will continue to create them as my life progresses!  Take a look at what is on my horizon beofre I turn the Dirty Thirty.

In no particular order (i swear)
1. Go back to Europe and visit favorite/new cities
2. Get a dog (preferably a Welsh Springer Spaniel)
3. Become a master of Barre/Yoga/Pilates
4. Find our final home in the city before we hit the suburbs
5. Learn to hunt
6. Take Graphic Design classes/go back to school for it
7. Host and cook a holiday meal
8. train/run a half marathon
9. Get an iPad
10. Recieve a few promotions in my job
11. Have a baby
12. Buy my very own Christian Louboutins
13. Perfect the decor of our bedroom


Kiss Me I'm Irish

>> Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Yes, it's technically the 16th but we're a little too old to party on a Sunday so today is celebration day!! I happen to love St. Patricks Day, not just because I am Irish but I love the music, and the overall happiness that exudes from people on this day.  Everyone seems to be friendly (until maybe they are so hammered that some become quite rude) but usually it's all in good fun!

Chicago is definitely known for their celebration of St. Patricks Day, especially the famous dying of the Chicago river.  It's quite a site to see.  Although sometimes it actually looks naturally green, which is kind of gross, but...moving on! Hopefully you are celebrating this wonderful day and drinking some green beer and laughing with friends - I know I will be!  

If you aren't the biggest Guinness fan (which most aren't) - one thing you can do to make it taste better is to add a little Chambord to it.  Chambord is a raspberry liquor that helps sweeten it up a bit.  It's a trick I learned in an actual Irish pub in Ireland.



Back In The Saddle

>> Friday, March 1, 2013

So I took a couple weeks off - things were getting so busy and I just needed a little break - but I'm back!
Happy Friday!! I don't know about the weather where you are but here in Chicago it's still snowing :-(.  Apparently spring is 19 days away but I'll believe that when I see it.
Last wekeend my parents were in town which was so amazing to see them!!  Ted and I had to go to a Black Tie event for the charity (St. Vincent dePaul/Marillac Center) that I am on the board of.  It was our annual Fleur De Lis Ball. 

 The venue was gorgeous: it was held at The Grand Ball Room at Navy Pier.
  Getting all dressed up was so fun.  Ted had an excuse to wear his tux and you might think it was an excuse for me to buy a new dress...however - I did not have time, nor did I really feel like spending a few hundred dollars.  So what did I do???
When in doubt - call mom!! 
Since my mom has a TON of beautiful dresses, I called and asked if she could bring a few out to Chicago for me to try on.  She brought about 5 dresses...I loved all 5! And since she claims "you look way better in all of these" I get to keep all 5 - which is great since we have so many events scheduled this year!
BUT - the crem de la crem of my outfit (which you cant see in the picture) are my shoes! We went shopping on Saturday and my dad came across these beautiful shoes that he just insisted that I needed for my outfit - and what kind of daughter woudl I be to refuse???
The event was great - we raised a ton of money for the charity and it all goes to such a great cause!  Throughout the night they had a Silent Auction going in which Ted and I won a Gift Card to Gibsons Steakhouse and an overnight stay and one of Chicago's boutique hotels, Hotel Felix.
Along with gaining 5 new dresses to my wardrobe, my mother was also kind enough to lend me some of her fun jewelry that I always adore.  These are just a few of the pieces!
1.  Betsey Johnson Necklace and matching Bracelet
2. Ann Taylor Gold Pave Link Necklace and Bracelet
3. Swarovski earnings - Gold


Weekend Come Early

>> Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Even though it's only Thursday I am so excited because my parents are coming into town tonight! I haven't seen them since Thanksgiving, which is way too long!  Usually I try and get out to California, or the will come out here but schedules have been so hectic that neither of us have been able to - so needless to say this is long over due. 

Dinner tonight with them - 7pm can't come soon enough.



Back From New England

>> Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Over the long, President's Day weekend, Ted and I decided to take a trip out to Connecticut to visit some of his family.  They live in a small town called Washington Depot.  I have never been anywhere in New England but always had a vision of how I felt these small, Colonial towns may look.  Needless to say, they look exactly like how I envisioned; full of white houses with black shutters, beautiful churches, and a countryside that is just breath taking.  While the white snow in February makes for a gorgeous scenery, I definitely can't wait to visit in the again in the summer and fall.

Here are a few pics from the weekend and a little taste of New England:

Neil and Jennifer's beautiful home!

local town waterfall
New England style Church

downtown Litchfield

shopping in Litchfield

Great weekend of delicious wine!

Take me back! Love it out there.



Be My Valentine

>> Thursday, February 14, 2013


Even if you don't have a "Valentine" call up a good friend or family member and tell them you love them!  I am not, and never have been, all crazy about V-day.  Whether or not I have had a Valentine, I usually keep my plans pretty low key.  This year, the hubby and I will be ordering in from our favorite Italian restaurant, Mia Francesca's, and watching hockey! Sounds like a perfect night.

What will you be doing?


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