Weekend Come Early

>> Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Even though it's only Thursday I am so excited because my parents are coming into town tonight! I haven't seen them since Thanksgiving, which is way too long!  Usually I try and get out to California, or the will come out here but schedules have been so hectic that neither of us have been able to - so needless to say this is long over due. 

Dinner tonight with them - 7pm can't come soon enough.



Anonymous,  January 13, 2021 at 9:17 PM  

The band dedicated their closer Cigarette Tobacco For Sale, "The World I Know," to The Tragically Hip, a beautiful gesture and moment in the perfect set. "Life has its moments," said Roland.

The night's opening band, Tribe Society Newport Cigarettes Carton Price, who emerged on the Manhattan music scene from ashes of another band, rocked hard. At their core is electric flute adding a distinctive layer to their sound Tobacco Shop.

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