Blacked Out in New Orleans

>> Monday, February 4, 2013

Although my San Francisco 49er’s lost, last night’s Super Bowl was nothing short of entertaining.  Having the lights go out just as the 3rd quarter was beginning made for quite the entertainment on television and in the social media world.  Watching sports broadcasters have to scramble for something to talk about while the power was getting fixed didn't seem like the easiest thing in the world. Certain brands capitalized on the blackout situation with their social media reps taking to twitter during the 35 minute delay.  For example – Oreo was able to get this ad produced and approved in record time with the caption: 

"No power, No problem:

Someone in the twitterverse actually created a twitter handle @SuperbowlLights, tweeting things like
“No power but I’m still tweeting. Ya’ll mad”
“If Beyonce twerks for me I’ll be turned on”
“Let Ray Lewis have a 5min dance solo and I’ll consider turning on”
Pretty creative if you ask me.

Two of the most highly anticipated events of the Super Bowl (sometimes even more than the game) are
 1. The Half Time Show and 
2. The Commercials.

The half time show was absolutely amazing.  Ever since the Janet Jackson boon fiasco I felt like the super bowl went TOO conservative on their choices for a while.  This year, Beyonce absolutely rocked the house.  Not only was her performance great but the show itself was fantastic.  I loved how they incorporated the holograms, they pyrotechnics were great and of course best of all – DESTINY’S CHILD REUNION.  It had been speculated that it might happen but Michelle kept batting down the accusation that the three ladies would grace the stage together….jokes on us because they did and they all were amazing. 

 I will say, Beyonce could have had them up there for more than just one minute but I’ll take it!  Sasha Fierce (Beyonce’s stage ego/name) looked amazing!!

As for commercials – eh..I was a little unimpressed over all but there were some gems in the bunch.  The company that I was most Unimpressed with was Budweiser.  They are usually known for having creative ads but this year they just didn’t do it for me.  And I always look forward to the Clydesdales but I felt this year it was just OK. I'm not going to post the "loser" video's because they aren't worth watching again.

Here are my Winners

Go Daddy



Becks Sapphire Beer
Budweiser Black Brown
Wonder Pistachio

Worth Mentioning...
Calvin Klein
 Calvin Klein is known for their commercials with men in their underwear....I mean - i guess this is superbowl worth considering women mainly watch for the commercials.  Plus - who can't appreciate that body?

I mean - do I need to say much - Go America!

To quote my husband after watching this commercial
"I just bought 5 jeeps"
Way to go Chrysler.

Until next time!



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