Are You Ready For Some Football

>> Friday, February 1, 2013

Being from the Bay Area, I am over the moon excited about our beloved San Francisco 49er's making it to Super Bowl XLVII.  Sunday evening we take on Ray Lewis and Joe Flacco of the Baltimore Ravens and my eyes will be glued to every I love that it's a Harbaugh brother matchup.  This is one of the most competitive families ever - it's a win win for the parents but I don't think the brothers will view it that way..

While I love football, I am also an advertising buff so I love seeing the creative ads companies put out (along with the gigantic price tag that it comes with).  Favorites usually include ones from Budweiser, E*Trade, Doritos, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and go daddy, plus usually a car commercial or two.  Who could forget this's so cute

Video - Volkswagen Commercial: The Force

Anyway - back to football!  Hopefully you are doing something fun.  Even if your team isn't in it - Superbowl is just another excuse to get together with friends, drink beer, and gorge on greasy yummy food!!

Happy Friday and GO SAN FRANCISCO!!!



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