Toasty Tuesday

>> Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today's Toasty Tuesday is going out to a wonderful couple, Staci Gold and Matt Rosenberg.
Why you ask?  Well, yesterday, Ted and I received a little piece of very important mail: their Wedding invitation.  I met Staci and Matt when Ted and I were down in Southern Illinois for his buddy Clark's wedding.  Instantly, I adored them both.  Staci is full of life and her counterpart is just the same (plus they both bring some pretty sweet dance moves to the dance floor) which I have now witnessed a few times!  We are so excited to be invited to share in their special day come this March.   It will be the kickoff to our wedding season and I know it will be one for the books!!

Here is a preview of some of the wedding items!

1.  Save the Dates - aren't these the cutest things ever!! Love

2.  The Wedding Invite - So elegant but with a touch of modern/sass in the typography of "Satci & Matt" - such a reflection of the two.

3.  The Blackstone Hotel.  This is the venue for their wedding.  Way back when, I had come across this venue in planning my own wedding and loved it!! I can't wait to go inside and see it decked out - I just know it'll be gorgeous.

photo by Michael Carr Photography

Congratulations to the happy couple!! Can't wait to celebrate!


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