Dodge Dip Duck Dive and Dodge

>> Friday, January 25, 2013

First off...Happy Friday!!  

Last night was really a fun night. I  am on the Associate Board of the St. Vincent DePaul Center/Marillac House charity.  It's a great charity that does all kinds of wonderful things for low income families here in Chicago.  The associate board is made up of a bunch of 20/30 somethings that love to have fun whilst being able to give back.  A couple months ago we decided we wanted to join an intramural team of some kind.  Ultimately we chose "Music and Beats Dodgeball"  (the music and beats means we get to play someones ipod during the game).  There are a ton of sports clubs in Chicago that you can join through but we ended up going with a smaller but more meaningful organization.  It's called Live To Support Chicago.  

 What makes them different is that each team that plays is playing for a charity.  Either, like us, where we are literally representing a charity, or if you have a group of friends but no charity, LTS has plenty that you can choose from.  You are also paired up with a bar that will help give back money to your charity.  Our bar is Newport Bar and Grill!  

Last night we had our first game.  Unfortunately we lost but it was still a ton of fun!! It's such a great way to get to know other people and give back to a good cause.  I'll post more pictures of our actual team once we get our official t-shirts/jerseys!  



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