Think Sunshine

>> Monday, January 21, 2013

For those of you in Chicago, you are probably very excited to have today off (hopefully you do) since it's basically -7 degrees here with the windchill.  Going outside today will only be out of necessity, otherwise it's couch, blanket and apparently a marathon of "Bethenny Ever After."  While sitting here I look outside and see sun...(what a dirty little trickster weather can be).  

So, I have decided since I can't physically be wrapped in the warmth of sunshine I can dream can't I? Here are some of my favorite places and also places I dream to go one day.

1.  Kailua Beach, Hawaii
This beach used to be just half a mile from my house when I lived in Hawaii.  It sure made it a) convenient to  lay out b) really hard to go to class

2.  Greece
This is a place I have been wanting to go FOR. EV. ER.  Without fail, every time I see pictures of Greece, they look photoshop'd - I mean, nothing is that blue and that white!! Beautiful.

3.  Australia
Another place that has been on the bucket list for a long time.  I am hoping to go when my brother graduates from his Masters program in Adelaide.

4. Seychelles
Ever since Prince William and Kate went here on their honeymoon, it has been on my bucket list.  My husband and I flirted with the idea for a second when planning our own honeymoon.  I looks divine!

5.  Thailand
Only in the last few years has Thailand really been on my bucket list.  I hear so many great things about it and that the beaches are just amazing.  
Case. In. Point.

This world is filled with some of the most gorgeous landscapes, beaches, people, food, and culture.  There are just so many places I want to visit one day and hopefully a few of them will get crossed off the list in this lifetime.

Well - back to reality..bbbrrrrr


Anonymous,  January 23, 2013 at 11:42 AM  

aww Kailua :) I can't believe how long ago that was! Remember when we used to go in the vanagon to Waimanalo with Ryan? And then book it to Maui Tacos for ginormous burritos?

Jenny Taylor January 31, 2013 at 11:50 AM  

I love this and want to visit them all! I love this blog! So fun! I am a fan!

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