Ranting Wednesday!

>> Wednesday, January 16, 2013

There is something that has been REALLY irking me.  It happens every year at this time, without fail:

That's right.  January (and the few months after) is known for gyms getting extra crowded.  All of the "this is my year to get in shape" or "I'm finally going to lose that 10lb's" people are flooding my home away from home.  From someone who gets up early, or drags myself after a long day of work at least 4 to 6 times a week, this time of the year really gets on my nerves.  Since I do frequent the gym often, many of the faces I see are familiar. It's almost like an unspoken family.  However, right now, I see more faces that are unfamiliar.  Faces that I know that in approximately 2 months will me merely gone forever - sorry, looks like 2013 is NOT your year.  I wish I could walk up to some of them and say "if you haven't done it by now - you're never going to do it."  Now, that isn't to say that there will be a few people who really do stick to their own program and reach whatever goals they set out  - I commend them...but the rest of you - GET OUT!!!!

With that said - whenever there are gym newbies there is often a lack of gym etiquette.  I don't see it a lot but when I do, it can really ruin it for me.  

CHECK IT OUT:  I totally agree!!!



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