NYE and Resolutions

>> Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well, our party was a complete success - for the second year in a row!  The food turned out wonderful and the drinks were flowing heavily, plus a bonus beautiful rendition of KC & Jojo's "All My Life" sung by all of the females. (yea, it got like that!)  Last night was just a wonderful reminder of how great our friends are and how lucky we are.. here are some photos of the night

some of the boys

me and Cayla

some of the ladies
  Also, in honor of our nations impending doom, #issuesonthehill, we had a signature cocktail of the night.....wait for it...

and it was delicious!

With the start of a new year come the infamous New Year's Resolutions!  I usually have a few and always never stick with them.  Sometimes it's because they are just too unattainable but most of the time I forget what they were all together.  This year, while I still have a couple, they are much more simple.
1.  Stick to working on this blog
2.  Keep working and improving my graphic design skills
3.  Actually DO some of the Pinterest crafts I have pinned
Here are some of the most popular #NYResolutions...

What's your new year resolution??


Anonymous,  January 2, 2013 at 9:33 PM  

I have so many intentions this year :) - more sunrises, perfect my photography style, noseride, begin teaching yoga, be published in yoga journal, go to Wanderlust Colorado, and find work for a company I truly believe in. :D

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