Weekend Recap

>> Monday, January 7, 2013

It's that time again, Monday...I'm off to work this morning for my first full week at my new job. Unfortunately, since I used to drive to work, I don't think my body was quite ready for such cold weather and I have come down with a slight cold.  However, I pretty much did exactly what I mentioned on Friday!  

Saturday, Ted and I went to go see the new movie Zero Dark Thirty.  It was an extremely intense but very good movie.  It was so intense in the beginning that a few people actually walked out.  There is some serious buzz around about how much access the director got to both the CIA and our top military, including our SEALS - which the whole point is that their identities are only supposed to be known amongst a very small group of people..and that usually doesn't include movie directors. All in all, it was a great movie!

Later that night, we were debating whether or not to go out, since we both weren't feeling our best. We decided that since we hadn't been out too much, some fresh air and a good dinner would do us well.  Coobah is one of our favorite restaurants in Chicago and, lucky for us, it's only about a mile down the road...so we put on our boots and made the trek.  On our way we happened to run into a friend and his girlfriend who decided to join us.  Many drinks later, we made one pit stop at a nearby bar to meet up with some other friends before we made our way home and called it a night.

Sunday was...well a typical Sunday - GGL (Gym, Grocery, Laundry)  I also decided it was time to take down the Christmas decorations (tear).  The house now looks a little less cluttered but a little less festive.  Maybe I'll put up some Valentines decorations??  Anyway - Christmas season is officially over...which also means hopefully eating less treats- maybe..


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