Can You Say Delicious?!

>> Thursday, January 10, 2013

Last night my sister-in-law and I went to dinner at an amazing restaurant in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.  This particular restaurant had been on Julia's "need to go ASAP" list for quite some time and I just happen to be the perfect date, if I do say so myself.
Italian Inspired. Honest Cooking

First off the decor of the restaurant is to die for. Rustic wood, red rustic brick with low light lighting, and modern touches everywhere. It actually reminds me a lot of a restaurant that would be in Napa, Ca.

We each started off with a cocktail, mine being a fancier Manhattan type drink, and Julia's a sweeter cocktail with strawberries, prosecco and more - both delicious.  For food, neither of us could commit to one thing so we decided to share a few things.

1.  Wild arugula salad with pine nuts
2. A cheese plate
3. Brussels sprout pizza
4. Orrechhette pasta with lemon, kale. Bread crumbs as chili
5. Surfaced donuts with vanilla ice cream and espresso

Ya. That. Just. Happened.

Highly recommend!


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