Back In The Saddle

>> Friday, March 1, 2013

So I took a couple weeks off - things were getting so busy and I just needed a little break - but I'm back!
Happy Friday!! I don't know about the weather where you are but here in Chicago it's still snowing :-(.  Apparently spring is 19 days away but I'll believe that when I see it.
Last wekeend my parents were in town which was so amazing to see them!!  Ted and I had to go to a Black Tie event for the charity (St. Vincent dePaul/Marillac Center) that I am on the board of.  It was our annual Fleur De Lis Ball. 

 The venue was gorgeous: it was held at The Grand Ball Room at Navy Pier.
  Getting all dressed up was so fun.  Ted had an excuse to wear his tux and you might think it was an excuse for me to buy a new dress...however - I did not have time, nor did I really feel like spending a few hundred dollars.  So what did I do???
When in doubt - call mom!! 
Since my mom has a TON of beautiful dresses, I called and asked if she could bring a few out to Chicago for me to try on.  She brought about 5 dresses...I loved all 5! And since she claims "you look way better in all of these" I get to keep all 5 - which is great since we have so many events scheduled this year!
BUT - the crem de la crem of my outfit (which you cant see in the picture) are my shoes! We went shopping on Saturday and my dad came across these beautiful shoes that he just insisted that I needed for my outfit - and what kind of daughter woudl I be to refuse???
The event was great - we raised a ton of money for the charity and it all goes to such a great cause!  Throughout the night they had a Silent Auction going in which Ted and I won a Gift Card to Gibsons Steakhouse and an overnight stay and one of Chicago's boutique hotels, Hotel Felix.
Along with gaining 5 new dresses to my wardrobe, my mother was also kind enough to lend me some of her fun jewelry that I always adore.  These are just a few of the pieces!
1.  Betsey Johnson Necklace and matching Bracelet
2. Ann Taylor Gold Pave Link Necklace and Bracelet
3. Swarovski earnings - Gold


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