Award Season Awaits

>> Thursday, January 10, 2013

That's's almost here - Awards Season!! Ahh..a time when we get to sit in front of the television for 3 hours and pass judgment (positive and negative) on celebrities...wonderful!  I am a big fan of awards season, Golden Globes, Emmy's, Oscars, you name it.  Now let's be serious, the best part is the 2 hour live E! coverage before hand and the 1hour E! segment with Joan Rivers critizing everyone that really interests me.  I am big TV person so I love the Emmy's.  I love movies as well, but with movie tickets being almost $20 each, it makes it a little hard to keep up on the current movies.  I usually wait until they are On Demand or on Netflix.  Anyway, back to fashion.  For me, over the last few years, there have been some really amazing dresses that have graced the infamous red carpet.  The ones that I am choosing to highlight are the ones that I could literally bring up from memory!


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